How long does it take to get a student visa subclass 500?

The Student Visa 500 (Student visa Australia) allows students to study in Australia, but it takes longer to process than other visas. It can take up to 60 days to get approval; the process starts when you apply, and ends after the Department of Immigration & Border Protection has reviewed all the necessary documentation and decided whether or not you can receive a subclass 500 student visa.

What is the subclass 500 visa?

If you are a student, the subclass 500 visa is your way into the country. This visa allows you to stay in Australia for up to four years while completing your education. To be eligible for a subclass 500 student visa, you must first meet certain academic criteria and have sufficient funds available to support yourself through your studies. In addition, certain health requirements must be met, and an interview with Australian immigration officials is required before a decision can be made on the application.

Student Visa 500 Processing Time

The Australian government determines processing times for student visa 500, which can vary from case to case. The process takes about two months on average but could be as short as three weeks or as long as six months. Other factors may also influence your application's processing time, such as if there are any discrepancies in your application form or documentation.

Eligibility Requirements for student visa

Visa Subclass 500 for student is a temporary visa, and it is available for those who want to study in Australia. 

  • The eligibility requirements for this visa are straightforward and include having a valid passport from one of the eligible countries. 
  • Additionally, you need to have enough money for your tuition fees and living expenses during your time as an international student. 
  • You must also complete high school before being accepted into Australia's university or tertiary institution. 
  • A letter of acceptance is required with your application. 
  • Finally, submitting your application requires you should be under 30 years old.

Who Can Apply For Student Visa Subclass 500?

The Student Visa 500 is a temporary visa available for international students who have completed or will complete a full-time course at a primary, secondary, or tertiary education institution in Australia. This visa offers eligibility for multiple extensions.

Applicants for a student visa can apply for and lodge their subclass 500 visa applications at either an Australian Consulate-General or Embassy overseas or a Department of Immigration and Border Protection office in Australia. However, it is important to note that only students outside Australia are eligible to do so.

Documents required for applying for this Student Visa

  • A completed application form.
  • One recent passport-sized photo.
  • Proof of financial support in the form of an offer letter from your sponsor, which will be for a minimum period of 18 months or proof that you have sufficient funds in your bank account, 2,000 AUD per year for your stay. If this is not possible, you need to provide evidence that you can earn enough money during your time here to support yourself.
  • Evidence of qualifications and proof of enrolment at an Australian educational institution.
  • Health Insurance.
  • Your student visa can also depend on if you are transferring from another institution or starting at a new one, as well as what kind of course you are doing.
  • You may also need other documents depending on the situation for Student Visa 500.


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