A document checklist for Partner Provisional and Migrant visa subclass 309

Partner Provisional and Migrant visa subclass 309 applicants need to be prepared to provide all the relevant documents, which can be overwhelming if you don't know what you need to gather before filling out the application form. Here are everything you need to know about applying for Partner Provisional or Migrant visa subclass 309, including a list of all the documents you need to provide and how many copies of each document you should submit with your application. Do I qualify? You may be eligible to apply for a Partner Provisional or Migrant visa subclass 309 if you are the: • Partner of an Australian citizen or permanent resident, OR • The former partner of an Australian citizen or permanent resident who has since died, OR • Child of an eligible citizen or permanent resident; • Sibling of a suitable citizen or permanent resident; • Parent of an eligible citizen or permanent resident; • Grandparent of an eligible citizen or permanent resident. The online application ...